Online Prediction Reading

For those of you who wants to get a more personalized reading, here are some that you can avail of. All readings are meant to serve as a guide or for reflection only.

Fill-up this contact form and state the kind of reading you are interested, the situation, your info (birth date). I will e-mail Paypal payment instruction. Upon payment receipt, your reading will be sent within 1 day. Complex reading may also require answering a few questions to complete it.

  • Answer a question (US$6)
    Provide answer to a question or current situation.

  • Answer a question (US$21)
    Provide answer to a question or current situation while looking at past, present, future, and other aspects.

  • Celtic cross (US$30)
    Explore a subject or question in bigger context.

  • Basic Horoscope 1-year forecast (US$36)
    12-months reading forecast.

  • Horoscope at Present (US$39)
    Look into the 12 houses.
  • Body-Mind-Spirit (US$6)
    Answers the question "who am I?" in these three aspects.

  • Destiny ruling (US$6)
    Based on a situation you want to rule upon, look at how you can take charge.

  • Present journey (US$6)
    Looks at your path and progress.

  • 1 year from now (US$6)
    Looks at where you want to be one year from now.

  • Lifestyle choice (US$6)
    Looks at what you need, want, and get in particular situation.

  • Problem or issue (US$12)
    Get four viewpoints about an issue or problem you are dealing with.

  • Perception (US$12)
    Looks at how you are perceived by others.

  • Personality (US$12)
    Look at your social nature. Why you are the way you are.

  • Wholeness (US$12)
    Looks at four tasks you can do that will bring the pieces of your life together.
  • Abundance (US$15)
    Manifest abundance and have more than enough in love and happiness.

  • Alternatives (US$15)
    Check out the four or five options you may have right now.

  • Temptation (US$15)
    There is a dark side in all of us and this reading intends to confront that.

  • Five years from now (US$15)
    Looks at where you want to be five years from now.

  • Influence (US$18)
    Looks at how you influence others. Also at how others influence you.

  • Power (US$18)
    Developing personal power and how to obtain it.

  • Strength & weakness (US$18)
    Looks at your strengths & weaknesses.

  • Consequences (US$18)
    Look into possible consequences of a decision you are considering.

  • Beliefs (US$18)
    Look into restrictive and strengths beliefs from past, present, and future.

  • Dream future (US$21)
    Looks at how you can achieve your dream future.

  • Negative cycle (US$21)
    A reading for those who been condemning or being hard on themselves lately. Intends to guide on how to move forward.

  • Goal realization (US$27)
    Areas you need to strengthen to realize your goals.

  • Improve life (US$42)
    Looks at your seven energy centers. Its current state and how it can be improved.

  • Happiness I (US$48)
    Looks at four path (prosperity, intelligence, passion, feeling) options that you can get a snapshot on.

  • Happiness II (US$96)
    Looks at eight path (prosperity, intelligence, passion, feeling, wisdom, inspiration, intuition, instinct) options that you can get a snapshot on.

  • Authority (US$6)
    Dealing with difficulties with another person (relationship, situation etc).

  • Significance (US$12)
    Assess the significance of a person in your life.
  • Career choices (US$6)
    Explore 3 possible career choices.

  • Work role problems (US$12)
    Looks at how you supervise and act as a subordinate.

  • Career success (US$15)
    Manifest career goals.

  • Job choice (US$18)
    Looks at what you need to concentrate on.

  • Importance (US$42)
    Look at the most important thing to you in career and why. Career can be replaced with business, family, relationships, personal growth, health, etc.

  • Investment (US$61)
    Assess if what you have in mind is the right investment for you.
  • Love life (US$6)
    Look at the state of your love life and how to help it.

  • Relationship state (US$12)
    Snapshot on present state of a relationship and how to deal with it.
  • Relationship prospective (US$21)
    Looks at where you are in a present relationship from the stages, trials, and current path.
  • Relationship saving (US$27)
    For those unsure on the state of their relationship and areas that it can be helped.

  • Relationship needs-want-get (US$36)
    Looks at what you and other person need, want, and get in a relationship.
  • Love (US$42)
    Manifest love in your life by exploring either or both two paths.
  • Health (US$51)
    Looks at the best way you can deal with a health situation.