Sunday, December 31, 2006

December 31: Fortune Reader 2007 Predictions

For those celebrating their birthday today, December 31, this is for you:

December 2006
The problems you had in the past are all done and over with. You are now moving on with great peace to look forward to. You've seen a lot of opportunities that makes you energetic and excited. With hope that one of this allows you to reach your goal.

January 2007
Resources are at hand but needs to be managed well. Going beyond boundaries can lead to work struggles, disagreements and frustration.

February 2007
You might be worried with financial concerns. However, you have a happy family that matters more to you.

March 2007
You'll spend a special time with a love one. It is a celebration of love. Your source of resources id doing well right now. However, there's a new opportunity that has potential, that you want to get into as well.

April 2007
Despite the love at hand, perhaps things are not enough and you are searching for further meaning. Giving to charity, reasonably, will make your blessings worthwhile too.

May 2007
You'll be overflowing with emotions, perhaps realizing what is indeed important. You'll be working very hard on a new opportunity that catches your fancy.

June 2007
A serious relationship or commitment with a love one (or friend) is forthcoming. You will also enjoy the fruits of your success.

July 2007
It is a great time to be with the bigger family. You'll be in a jubilant mood with great reasons to celebrate.

August 2007
You are confused although there's no doubt on the love of the people around you. You have fears on your new venture and afraid for it to fail.

September 2007
Your new opportunity is showing great potential. You are blessed with an apprentice or protege committed to work with you and make it a success.

October 2007
Problems surfaced at this time and got you deeply confused. It puts your resources in danger and unsure on what to do. A love one is with you giving all the support you need.

November 2007
A major challenge has come your way but you've won, putting your enemies to shame. You or a peer perhaps already wants to move on but is being held back.

Feel free to interpret this whether it is related to work, business, love, friends, family, studies, among others. Note that readings like this may not necessarily suit the birthday celebrant as each person is unique.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Capricorn: December 22 - January 21 || January 20 - February 16

Attributes of Capricorn

  • serious
  • ambitious
  • responsible
  • frugal
  • rule-oriented
  • strong sense of humor
  • superior mind
  • high principles
  • has facade of conventionality
  • desire to succeed
  • desire for wealth and status
  • controlled emotions
  • strong sex drive
  • rigid thinker
  • have an old head on young shoulders
  • with dreams fulfilled, can turn to more spiritual matters
  • life gets better with age

Potential of Capricorn

  • strong desire to be useful
  • organizational capability
  • desire to get to the top
  • desire to live authentically
  • achieving further objectives makes Capricorn happy
  • proves oneself through accomplishments

Challenges of Capricorn

  • Shift to an inner-directed self / inner authority
  • finding one's inner voice and follow it
  • letting go of tight control on life
  • tendency to judgementalism
  • difficulty in emotional communication, expressing oneself
  • prone to unsconscious sabotage (obsolete ideas, ingrained behaviour patterns)
  • ponderous thought process
  • narrow-mindedness
  • reserved, don't have a lot friends

Capricorn compatibility with other signs

  1. Taurus
  2. Cancer
  3. Aries
  4. Gemini

If you are a Capricorn and can't seem to relate to this one, your lunar and ascendant sign may be stronger. An exact birthdate and time will give a personalized profile. Further insight can be gained also through numerology and Chinese astrology.

All attributes listed here can be strengthened or improved by the person. Recognizing one's weakness and a desire to change, and doing it, is a must.

Capricorn gemstones and birthstones

Recommended gem for the following birthday celebrants, in addition to your birthstone (woman) (man):

Spiritual stone for Capricorn is Sardonyx (woman) (man).

Capricorn lucky numbers

  • December 22 to 31: 1, 2, 8
  • January 1: 1, 2, 11
  • January 2: 2, 11, 20
  • January 3: 2, 11, 13
  • January 4: 2, 4, 13
  • January 5: 8, 5, 23
  • January 6: 1, 6, 15
  • January 7: 1, 7, 16
  • January 8: 8, 17, 26
  • January 9: 9, 18, 27
  • January 10: 2, 8, 19
  • January 11: 2, 11, 13
  • January 12: 3, 8, 21
  • January 13: 4, 13, 14
  • January 14: 5, 8, 23
  • January 15: 2, 15, 24
  • January 16: 1, 6, 24
  • January 17: 8, 17, 35
  • January 18: 2, 7, 9, 27
  • January 19: 1, 2, 8, 37
  • January 20: 2, 8, 11
  • January 21: 3, 8, 21

Additional info:

December 30: Fortune Reader 2007 Predictions

For those celebrating their birthday today, December 30, this is for you:

December 2006
There is a task that is nearly done but you or someone connected to you is ready to move on. However, you or that person are being stopped for more task that needs to be done. You or that person may be tempted to just walk away or may have walked away already.

January 2007
You won a major battle and have put your opponents in a humiliating position. You are setting your sights on two opportunities and very hopeful about it. A voyage worth pursuing. Take caution still.

February 2007
You just crossed a major hurdle and now leading. You will be very proud with what you've accomplished.

March 2007
A serious opponent arrived. There's much task that needs to be done, despite what you've finished. Be patient.

April 2007
You or your loved one is now in a situation where you or they have to choose. This shall pose a lot of stress and confusion.

May 2007
Someone will come to deliver on commitments, with resources at hand, that will be of big help to you. There are difficulties that can be overcome. However, you have a lot of fear in you.

June 2007
You've accomplished and gained resources at hand. However, you are wondering, perhaps worried or threatened even. Your battle-scarred heart and mind makes you less trustful.

July 2007
Something challenging is about to come. You are emotionally strong and ready to face it, regardless whether you'll win or lose the battle. Someone, young and creative, will be there, ready to fight beside you.

August 2007
You will feel accomplished this month as you surpass the difficult decision that you just made. Start attending to your personal needs.

September 2007
A deadlock has been reached and differences can no longer be reconciled. You need to cope from all the stress and ills you encountered.

October 2007
There are sorrows that you have to face but you'll find ways to handle it. You are hopeful, humbled, and seeing opportunities still.

November 2007
A forgotten or ignored problem is howling itself to the surface. You will disengage your emotions in facing the challenges and crisis ahead, to further protect yourself.

Feel free to interpret this whether it is related to work, business, love, friends, family, studies, among others. Note that readings like this may not necessarily suit the birthday celebrant as each person is unique.

2007 Fortune Reader Predictions Introduction

My bead jewelry hobby was triggered last year after getting a copy of Lilian Too's Fortune & Feng Shui series. Most of our early bead jewelry work was heavily influenced by it. They served as symbolic reminders on the things that I should watch out for and reminders of encouragement.

When there are predictions of bad month, I worked on them way ahead of time so that the month turns as business as usual with hardly any firefighting on my side. As a result, 2006 has become a much manageable and controlled year.

No lap chun in 2007
The 2007 predictions though are tough. First thing that struck me is that there's no lap chun in 2007. Lap chun is the major difference between the Chinese lunar calendar (where Chinese horoscope is usually based) and solar calendar (where Flying Star Feng Shui is often based). Lilian Too said in her books that this coming year begins on February 18, long after the day of Spring, and therefore no lap chun. We are encouraged to start planning anything important and get it done on or before the Chinese New Year. Else, obstacles can hinder us or not even succeed in getting projects off the ground. This includes moving offices, launching a new business, building a new house, among others. However, any bad luck is dissolved by celebrating happy occassions such as a new baby or marriage.

For readings to be more personalized, I combine it with astrology, numerology, and tarot. This profiling I also do for clients and peers so I can be aware of what possibly lies ahead of them.

I consider all of this as just reminders. Luck chances are higher to those who persevere and are working hard/smart in order to achieve success.

I only hope that one day, social networking tools will incorporate these things more seriously rather than just merely telling your horoscope for the day.